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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Micro-Chipping Humans!

There are both potential problems and benefits associated with
human microchipping. One problem is that a person’s privacy
could be severely infringed upon. This could happen because
the person’s movements, both physically and financially, could be
tracked. Personal data about a person could be sold or hacked
into. A third potential problem could be who would have access
to the information, and who stores the information.
There are potential health problems as well. For example Non-
Ionizing Radiation from microwave radio frequency and magnetic
fields could cause various health issues. (Covacio, 2003) A
potential benefit could include storing a person’s complete medical
history, or at the bare minimal the drugs that they are taking
or are allergic to. (Fuhrer & Guinard, 2006)”

This is another issue that doesn’t really get much attention. People say that this is ‘The Mark of the Beast’. Most say it is technology with a microchipping plan. There is heaps of evidence to back this up. Evidence that goes all the way back to the bible, The King James version anyway. (I’m an athiest, I don’t know the difference)
When I read this quote, I thought it was more than a coincedence.

On a website, I read that 10 people were used to find out the physical effects on microchips, “most of them willingly” I read on to see if it was an editing mistake, maybe put in the wrong context, no. Does that mean they were made to get chipped? Were they even aware?
So the microchip (Also known as the ’bio-chip) is inserted under the skin in either the left or right hand. As the quote from King James suggests, no man will be able to buy or sell anything without this chip. They will not have access to healthcare, access to their bank accounts, every can me controlled by this bio-chip. Every aspect of your life is monitored.
The company that has pre manufactured the chip is ‘Veri-Chip Corporation’
This is a picture of a micro chip. All this opens up questions. What will the effect of radiation waves have on the human body? Mobile phones have been linked to brain tumours, Isn’t the bio-chip going to be using similar transmission technology? Wouldn’t it increase the chances of cancer if the chip is inside your head All The Time?! The government will probably make up some excuse to convince that the microchip is not responsible for the increase in cancer which will happen. How gullible can people be.
Do you want to be chipped? When the chipping becomes mandatory, they will chip babies as soon as they are born. People will not have privacy. The government will be able to see where you are, what you buy, everything. If you are reading this and thinking “that’s not going to happen” trust me, it will. Maybe not tomorrow, or next year, but it will happen.
What excuse will they come up with to scare people in to it? Or convince them that it is a good thing. And whats to stop them from extending the chip-surveilance technology to eventually be able to read minds? Or be capable of mind control?
They even have a sniper rifle that can implant a micro chip in a human at a distance. So even if you don’t want a chip in you, you won’t have a choice!
This is a picture of the ID sniper rifle that can shoot you and insert a microchip. And by the looks of it, it can shoot from a fair way.All that leads to the question, why would the governments allow this? Well, like the bible quote, there has been evidence of other theorys. Such as ‘The Mark Of The Beast’
Like the bible quote from King James, the Mark of the Beast will be this technology. The numbers 666 is related to the devil, and in the quote, the numbers 666 refers to the number that is given to man by the microchip. 666 also appears in every barcode in everything you buy.

Till tomorrow...
P.S Sorry if the text of this entry is all underlined, I don't know why.
Check out this link for more info.
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
 Revelations:13 King James Version of the Holy Bible

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