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Monday, November 15, 2010

The Australian Army

So last night i was listening to talk back radio (I won't mention the station) and i heard that the Australian government has ordered cut backs in the army that is fighting in Afghanistan. The army has had their ammunition's rationed! If they are carrying a automatic weapon, they are only allowed to shoot ONE bullet at a time! To save ammo! (So rather than shooting continuously, they have to shoot one bullet at a time)Yet, the government gave Indonesia 500 million dollars to build mosques and god knows what else. And the Australian government can spend millions of dollars processing illegal immigrants and boat people and putting them up in hotels and building more holding facilities. Yet our boys in the army cannot use ammo like they need to, to simply survive! We are fighting a war that cannot be won, so many families are heart broken over the loss of their children and husbands or wives when they die, fighting for something that everyone has lost sight of.
I just don't understand how Julia Gillard can allow this to happen! This self proclaimed atheist hypocritically said to the families who have lost someone in the war "We pray for you"
Say what?! If your an atheist, you do not believe in God. So why say that you are praying for the families? Hypocrite. Wouldn't it be sufficient enough to say "We are thinking of your family, and we are sorry for your loss" I would rather someone say that to me than say "We are praying for you" just cause i believe in god (which i don't)
It goes beyond sympathy, its about decency and being sensitive to others beliefs. And not being insulting.
And another thing, if you were running a company and you were not happy with the work of an employee, you would fire them. Julia Gillard is meant to work for the Australian public. Many people think she isn't doing a good job (If at all) so shouldn't the public sack her? so to speak.
Anyway, I will post again tomorrow.

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