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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Boat people and illegal immigrants.

In Villawood Detention Centre In Western Sydney, NSW recently boat people protested on the roof of the facility, one woman was heavily pregnant, and made demands for the Australian government to allow them to live here. Even though they had tried to enter the country illegally. These protesters (Of Muslim religion) Had come from war torn countries (Apparently) and of those boat people that were investigated, more than one were found to be linked to Al-Qaeda. Now don’t get me wrong or think i am a racist. If I was trying to escape a dangerous country, I would wish for another county to take me in. But there is a process for these things. These people can’t start making demands on when to be let in to the county and what benefits they are to be given. It isn’t fair to all the other people looking for a better life. And yes, the system is a complicated one that’s full of red tape. But these people are not out on the street. They have a bed every night to sleep in, food in their tummies, plus cable television, free medical care. Tomorrow, i am going to write about micro-chipping. Not chipping pets, but humans. When i read about this topic, i was shocked.
Anything they need really, while they are waiting for their turn to be either let in to Australia or to be sent back to their homeland. And I am guessing that where ever the boat people came from, the holding facilities (Like Christmas Island) are a whole lot better than where they came from!

Just a post script, I realised a simple experiment to prove that the melting of ice-caps and rising seas is crap. Fill a glass of water and place an ice cube or two in the glass. Make note of the water level on the side of the glass. Wait until the ice cubes have melted and check the level of the water. You will find the water level has not moved. Water and weight displacement and all that jazz. But my point is, if melted ice does not increase the water level, how can the sea level rise and threaten coastal towns around the world?

Till Tomorrow...

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