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Monday, November 22, 2010

Nurse to patient ratios in NSW

So, I recently heard that in the state of Victoria, There are 4 patients to every nurse. This ensures that patients get better quality of care and more attention and care towards their medication and treatments.
Because of this better working place, Nurses in NSW are protesting because the nurse to patient are something like, one nurse to 10 patients. I speak from experience as i was a nurse. And it was tough work. I would often imagine what it would be like to have a ratio of 1 to 4 and it would be a dream!
So the nurses union approached the government to begin negotiations to improve NSW hospitals quality of care to patients, and the premier (Kristina Kineally) said she was not going to look into it! How dare she put hundreds of patients health at risk! Then i thought about why she would do this, and it occurred to me.
If the government had to educate and hire more nurses, they would have to pay more wages and tax. They can't do this because the government is trying to get into surplus, and they wont fork out more money whilst they are trying to do this. And in doing so, patients are at risk of being left alone for too long when they need observation. I really feel for the nurses, it is a really hard job at the best of times.
When i was working in a nursing home, both in palliative care and dementia care, on morning shift, the DON (Director of Nursing) said that it should take you 10 minutes to get a patient out of bed (Keeping in mind that some patients are bed ridden and need lifting out of bed) shower them, dress them and get them ready for breakfast. It was virtually impossible to do all this in 10 mins. And the nurses who did do this, would only give them a bed bath with a tub of warm water and a wash cloth. And that would mean that some patients hadn't had a proper shower in up to a week.And most nurses have to do this for around 10 patients in around 2  hours.  I remember leaving work in tears because of how hard the nurses were pushed to this limit everyday. I worked so hard that i had to leave nursing because of a back injury. I loved my job though.
Wee need more nurses in hospitals and nursing homes because the longer we work like this, the more nurses will leave the job cause it is so hard.
Then where will we be?
Thanks a lot Kristina Kineally.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Villawood Detention Centre.

Australian's have most probably heard about this already.
So this morning i heard on the radio that Villawood detainees (Willawood is in Western Sydney) there were a few protesters that actually had sewn thier lips shut! I don't know what they were trying to prove. but they want to be let out and given Australian visa's, even though they came into the country illegally. Most of these detainees are muslim's from Iran, Afganistan, Sri Lanka. Most of them are men and they leave thier families behind to enture onto unsafe boats to come over here, illegally and expect to be given citizenship. We don't work that way guys! During this report on the news, I also heard of a lady's story. She came to Australia through the right avenues because where she lived, she was in great danger. She stayed here for as long as she could and during this time, she applied for citizenship and waited. Her application was refused and she had to go back to her homeland.
From what i could gather, she is still trying to get back to Australia. I mention this because this woman is a legitimate person who wants to find peace in Australia. But because we have all these boat people blocking up our system, it prevents the people that are doing the right thing, to get anywhere.
My point, and my opinion (as well as many other Australian's opinion) Is: These boat people have to be stopped! We have a process in place to deal with people looking for a new life in Australia, and these boat people, cutting the line and demanding to come into Australia, are blocking the system up. Preventing the genuine people getting anywhere.
It really pisses a lot of Australians off. The fact that we have to put these illegal immigrants up and pay for their medical, accommodation and all sorts of shit. Our TAXES are paying for these people.
Australia isn't what it used to be. Unfortunately.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

New World Order (Continued...)

Those who are obedient and subservient to the one world government will be rewarded with the means to live. Those who are rebellious will simply be starved to death or declared outlaws.” So many people react with mixed views. Scepticism or disbelief. Could this be because we have been brain washed? By the media and government? If the population were to find out the plan, there would be anarchy. The world leaders wouldn’t want that. Maybe we have be conditioned to react without doubt and disbelief. According to Cisco Wheeler, a former ‘Illuminati mind control programmer’ claims that there are already 10 million people who have been programmed and are mind control slaves.
The Illuminati hire and train people very sophisticated means of programming people, brain washing people to believe that the world leaders and governments have no such things like population control and micro chipping. Apparently, the program they use is called “The Montauk Project”, if you look this up, you will discover more and more.
Also, the most common emotion the world leaders use to manipulate people is fear. If you make people fear something, they will listen to solutions that may not even work. Because they are scared.
For example, The conflict is drawn into the public eye by media, photo’s and video’s of traumatic things happening. (For example, Let’s refer to the Columbine Massacre in the United States in 1999.) An awful thing happens and people say “something has to be done!” so the governments install new gun control laws. In doing so, a certain amount of people are disarmed. A more local example would be the Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania in 1996. After this tragedy, a firearm amnesty was announced, you could hand in your gun with no questions asked. So again, a large number of the population are disarmed. That is a good solution for the governments to then piss off the people and, if there is anarchy, no one can defend themselves. In doing so, the governments have used fear to manipulate the people and take away their right to defend themselves. This is a good example of mind control, and a very clever, well thought out plan too.

Back to the New World Order (N.W.O) there are many world big wigs who are involved such as pharmaceutical companies and cartels (Does that surprise you? They have control of medicines and vaccines, possibilities of misuse discussed before) And the Royal Family, namely Queen Elizabeth II, are high level players. Make no mistake. There are also large companies and agencies that are under control of the N.W.O. The UN (United Nations) and the WHO (World Health Organisation) are major players and the leaders of major industrial countries, such as the Presidents and Prime Minitser's pictured.

                                                               America's Barack Obama.

England's David Cameron.

Italy's Silvio Berlusconi.

Australia's Julia Gillard.

New Zealand's John Key.

Germany's Angela Merkel.
These leaders are very active and co operative players in the N.W.O. And any potential world leader is taken out of campaigning or worse (think JFK, yeah, we have all heard THAT conspiracy) and if they are not willing to go along with the plans of the N.W.O.
Just a little fact: The swine flu was made to create hysteria, apparently. And the vaccine and flu were being used as diversions to keep the public’s mind off the international undermining of the declining buying power of the US dollar.
And another possibility: If swine flu was created, other viruses must have been as well, and not specifically aimed at humans, such as Mad Cow Disease. Could it be possible that Mad Cow Disease was created in the UK so American beef could be shipped in for control of the US dollar. So if the UK needed to import meat, at such a quantity, it would possibly raise the American dollar and beef industry. Just a thought.
Sorry this has been a long entry.

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Australian Army

So last night i was listening to talk back radio (I won't mention the station) and i heard that the Australian government has ordered cut backs in the army that is fighting in Afghanistan. The army has had their ammunition's rationed! If they are carrying a automatic weapon, they are only allowed to shoot ONE bullet at a time! To save ammo! (So rather than shooting continuously, they have to shoot one bullet at a time)Yet, the government gave Indonesia 500 million dollars to build mosques and god knows what else. And the Australian government can spend millions of dollars processing illegal immigrants and boat people and putting them up in hotels and building more holding facilities. Yet our boys in the army cannot use ammo like they need to, to simply survive! We are fighting a war that cannot be won, so many families are heart broken over the loss of their children and husbands or wives when they die, fighting for something that everyone has lost sight of.
I just don't understand how Julia Gillard can allow this to happen! This self proclaimed atheist hypocritically said to the families who have lost someone in the war "We pray for you"
Say what?! If your an atheist, you do not believe in God. So why say that you are praying for the families? Hypocrite. Wouldn't it be sufficient enough to say "We are thinking of your family, and we are sorry for your loss" I would rather someone say that to me than say "We are praying for you" just cause i believe in god (which i don't)
It goes beyond sympathy, its about decency and being sensitive to others beliefs. And not being insulting.
And another thing, if you were running a company and you were not happy with the work of an employee, you would fire them. Julia Gillard is meant to work for the Australian public. Many people think she isn't doing a good job (If at all) so shouldn't the public sack her? so to speak.
Anyway, I will post again tomorrow.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The New World Order

There is another example, and in my opinion, proof that the barcode numbers, with 666 hidden in them are ways of tracking products. Like with what they want to do with chipping people. This way they can track the chip in you and see what you are buying through the barcode. As someone once said “If it exists, barcode it”. In Mary Stewart Relfe’s book “The New Money System, 666.” published in 1982, It contains over 50 pages of good documentation of this theory. Plenty of people believe this theory and plenty do not. It’s up to the individual. I only want to provide information and guide people in the right direction. The information is out there.
The new world order is, unfortunately the future. All the governments will form one and any leader who refuses will be taken out. Their intention is to effect complete control over every human being on the planet and to reduce the world population by 5.5 billion (See population control) In Doctor John Coleman’s book “Conspitator’s Heirarchy” he states “The will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants” Those who are obedient and subservient to the one world.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Micro Chipping, Part 2

This entry I am just going to post an article I found on the net. The article is from an Australian newspaper. It proves that the government is going to be sneaky in introducing the technology.
The world governments DO NOT CARE about the population, the more and more I look for and read articles that prove this, the more angry I get at some peoples naivety. It has been known what the governments are planning since the 1980’s. At least. How long does it take for people to start believing this is going to happen.
It was originally in the August 1, 1989 edition of The Sun.

"Top-level national security agents are trying to convince sources in the Bush Administration to begin the project in which every man, woman and child will be implanted with a tiny transmitter," claims Davis Milerand, a critic of government intervention who says he has received leaked information from inside sources.

"They're trying to say this will be a good way for authorities to quickly track down missing persons and children, as well as criminals and spies.


"But with the astounding technology of today, everything about you could be contained in one tiny microchip, which would be connected to a government computer.

"Any government agency will know what any person has done and is doing at any time."

Other sources say the tiny transmitters can be injected painlessly from a tiny gun in humans without them even knowing it through a nationwide vaccination program.

"All the government would have to do is make up something like the swine flu vaccine,"
Milerand says.

"Imagine if they said there was a vaccine for AIDS. People would rush in droves to get shots.

"The doctors themselves may not even know what they're injecting. They could be told the microchips are genetic implants that reprogram the body into fighting disease."

He adds: "The program would require all federal, state and local government workers to undergo the injections.

"It would only be a matter of time before everyone is implanted with a microchip, a slave to the government."
1989 Article Mentions Using A (Swine Flu) Vaccine To Inject Microchip Implants
So there you have it. Our great future. Our children’s great future.
And another thing, If you thought this would only happen in America, Check out this link, a more recent article:

I also found the story of a man who claims he was involuntary microchipped. Worth the read, i found it very interesting.


Revealed: Secret plan to tag every man, woman and child

CODED MICROCHIPS implanted in every person in the country would tie all of us into a master computer that could track anyone down at any moment, and plans for such a system are already under way whether you like it or not!

The secret scheme is being touted as a service for the protection of the people by high government officials, but some insiders who object to the move say it's just another way for Big Brother to control its subjects.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Micro-Chipping Humans!

There are both potential problems and benefits associated with
human microchipping. One problem is that a person’s privacy
could be severely infringed upon. This could happen because
the person’s movements, both physically and financially, could be
tracked. Personal data about a person could be sold or hacked
into. A third potential problem could be who would have access
to the information, and who stores the information.
There are potential health problems as well. For example Non-
Ionizing Radiation from microwave radio frequency and magnetic
fields could cause various health issues. (Covacio, 2003) A
potential benefit could include storing a person’s complete medical
history, or at the bare minimal the drugs that they are taking
or are allergic to. (Fuhrer & Guinard, 2006)”

This is another issue that doesn’t really get much attention. People say that this is ‘The Mark of the Beast’. Most say it is technology with a microchipping plan. There is heaps of evidence to back this up. Evidence that goes all the way back to the bible, The King James version anyway. (I’m an athiest, I don’t know the difference)
When I read this quote, I thought it was more than a coincedence.

On a website, I read that 10 people were used to find out the physical effects on microchips, “most of them willingly” I read on to see if it was an editing mistake, maybe put in the wrong context, no. Does that mean they were made to get chipped? Were they even aware?
So the microchip (Also known as the ’bio-chip) is inserted under the skin in either the left or right hand. As the quote from King James suggests, no man will be able to buy or sell anything without this chip. They will not have access to healthcare, access to their bank accounts, every can me controlled by this bio-chip. Every aspect of your life is monitored.
The company that has pre manufactured the chip is ‘Veri-Chip Corporation’
This is a picture of a micro chip. All this opens up questions. What will the effect of radiation waves have on the human body? Mobile phones have been linked to brain tumours, Isn’t the bio-chip going to be using similar transmission technology? Wouldn’t it increase the chances of cancer if the chip is inside your head All The Time?! The government will probably make up some excuse to convince that the microchip is not responsible for the increase in cancer which will happen. How gullible can people be.
Do you want to be chipped? When the chipping becomes mandatory, they will chip babies as soon as they are born. People will not have privacy. The government will be able to see where you are, what you buy, everything. If you are reading this and thinking “that’s not going to happen” trust me, it will. Maybe not tomorrow, or next year, but it will happen.
What excuse will they come up with to scare people in to it? Or convince them that it is a good thing. And whats to stop them from extending the chip-surveilance technology to eventually be able to read minds? Or be capable of mind control?
They even have a sniper rifle that can implant a micro chip in a human at a distance. So even if you don’t want a chip in you, you won’t have a choice!
This is a picture of the ID sniper rifle that can shoot you and insert a microchip. And by the looks of it, it can shoot from a fair way.All that leads to the question, why would the governments allow this? Well, like the bible quote, there has been evidence of other theorys. Such as ‘The Mark Of The Beast’
Like the bible quote from King James, the Mark of the Beast will be this technology. The numbers 666 is related to the devil, and in the quote, the numbers 666 refers to the number that is given to man by the microchip. 666 also appears in every barcode in everything you buy.

Till tomorrow...
P.S Sorry if the text of this entry is all underlined, I don't know why.
Check out this link for more info.
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
 Revelations:13 King James Version of the Holy Bible

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Boat people and illegal immigrants.

In Villawood Detention Centre In Western Sydney, NSW recently boat people protested on the roof of the facility, one woman was heavily pregnant, and made demands for the Australian government to allow them to live here. Even though they had tried to enter the country illegally. These protesters (Of Muslim religion) Had come from war torn countries (Apparently) and of those boat people that were investigated, more than one were found to be linked to Al-Qaeda. Now don’t get me wrong or think i am a racist. If I was trying to escape a dangerous country, I would wish for another county to take me in. But there is a process for these things. These people can’t start making demands on when to be let in to the county and what benefits they are to be given. It isn’t fair to all the other people looking for a better life. And yes, the system is a complicated one that’s full of red tape. But these people are not out on the street. They have a bed every night to sleep in, food in their tummies, plus cable television, free medical care. Tomorrow, i am going to write about micro-chipping. Not chipping pets, but humans. When i read about this topic, i was shocked.
Anything they need really, while they are waiting for their turn to be either let in to Australia or to be sent back to their homeland. And I am guessing that where ever the boat people came from, the holding facilities (Like Christmas Island) are a whole lot better than where they came from!

Just a post script, I realised a simple experiment to prove that the melting of ice-caps and rising seas is crap. Fill a glass of water and place an ice cube or two in the glass. Make note of the water level on the side of the glass. Wait until the ice cubes have melted and check the level of the water. You will find the water level has not moved. Water and weight displacement and all that jazz. But my point is, if melted ice does not increase the water level, how can the sea level rise and threaten coastal towns around the world?

Till Tomorrow...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Population Control!

A carry on from the last enrty...
Another fact that population control is already starting can be seen in China. With it’s one child policy. Or as they put it, ‘family planning policy’. It restricts the number of children married urban couples can have to one. Exemptions can be made if the first born is a girl, because traditionally, it is the first born son’s responsibility to look after his parents when they become elderly. Plus, they can carry on the family name. The policy of controversial to both within and outside China because of the manner the policy was implemented and concerns of negative social consequences. Such as now, the population of men in China is higher than women. Which makes you wonder, for example if there are 100 men and 1 woman, who gets that woman? What genes would be passed on? (Maybe an extreme example, but you get the point im trying to make)
I have asked people what they have heard about the Chinese policy and the effect it may have on the parents themselves. Horrible things like mothers self aborting themselves when they find out they are having a girl, or once they have given birth, they abandon the baby. The need to have a son in China is basically a social requirement. Mother’s are afraid of giving birth to a girl because they will most probably receive pressure from society to have a boy. Sad.
Recently, Dick Smith offered up one million dollars to the person who can come up with a plan on population control. How did he do this? He called a press conference and armed himself with a case of fake money (to emphasise the point of how rich he is?) and five blonde beauties with huge breasts. Attention ploy much? Yeah, a real aussie icon Dick Smith is.
Global population is predicted to exceed 9 billion by 2050 and Australia is expected to be a major contributor. Apparently, since 1986 Australia’s population has jumped from 6.2 billion to 22.3 million. Why?
My opinion is because it’s not the births out doing the deaths of Australians, It’s all the refugee’s and boat people coming in. And all the tourists that come into the country on plane and they overstay their visa’s.

I will post more on this topic tomorrow.