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Monday, June 6, 2011

More bullshit in the world

You know what shits me? People like Gaddafi's and Saleh's arrogance. Obviously their people do not want them in power, yet they don't leave! and they wonder why people want them dead? Gaddafi's son and grandchild were killed and he still won't leave power. I would take the hint, mate! No one....no one likes you. They want you dead. And you still don't go?
What goes on in their heads?!
And then there is more shit going down in Afghanistan. Three more Australian soldiers have been killed. It's another Viet Nam. An unwinnable war.
Gillard is still going on about a carbon tax, when she promised that she wouldn't bring a tax in when she became the prime minister. She plain lied to everyone. her and Swan both said publicly that a carbon tax would not be introduced and now they are doing it! Aussies didn't even vote her in! If you remember, those three independents had to decide which one was going to be in out of Abbott and Gillard.
And now, Gillard has to address the problem of live animal exports going to Indonesia. and the way they treat the animals in the abattoir. Their treatment is disgusting! They are tied up and dragged along the floor. Their legs broken and dragged into the boots of cars. People will squeeze 3-4 sheep into the boot of a Ford Laser by breaking their legs. This is so wrong! These sheep are Aussie sheep an we send them over there with the hope they will be treated with respect and knowing they will be used to feed people. And they are treated like dirt. Some may say "Its an animal, they are going to die anyway" but your wrong. Its the principle. We need to respect them more because they do feed us. we cant be cruel. However, I feel like im talking to a brick wall. Cause no matter how many people are going to read this, it wont stop anything.
Anyhow, I would love to hear feedback from readers.